
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData

This is an externally provided SAMPLE table that represents purchased data supplied by a credit/debit card services company (e.g Experian) and identifies customers and total purchases made on the credit/debit card. This table is included for illustration purposes only.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TenderTypeCode (FK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. Sample Values: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card CUST_ACCT - customer credit account with retailer EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) SEND_CHECK - paid out/refund via acct pay. TRADEIN - trade in kind/trade in debit OTHER - other debit offset tender type TY_TND Code varchar(20) BrandedTenderMedia(CO_BRN_TND_MD)
CustomerReportingPeriodSpendID (PK) Token ID for a customer credit/debit card spend summary supplied by an external third party. This ID is generated by the retailer. ID_CT_RP_PRD_SPND Identity integer
ReportingPeriodID (FK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity integer ReportingPeriod(CA_PRD_RP)
CustomerID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for a person or organization that purchases a product or service from the retailer. ID_CT Identity integer KeyCustomer(PA_KY_CT)
TenderTypeCode (FK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. Sample Values: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card CUST_ACCT - customer credit account with retailer EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) SEND_CHECK - paid out/refund via acct pay. TRADEIN - trade in kind/trade in debit OTHER - other debit offset tender type TY_TND Code varchar(20) Tender(AS_TND)
CreditDebitTotalAmount The total net value of customer purchases made on the designated debit/credit card for a reporting period. This is provided by the credit/debit services company. Some companies like AMEX can break purchases down into finer grained detail. MO_CR_DB_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TenderMediaBrandID (FK) Token identifier for a tender media brand. ID_TND_MD_BRN Identity integer BrandedTenderMedia(CO_BRN_TND_MD)
PaymentServiceProviderID (FK) The identifier for an electonic payment service provider. ID_PYM_SV_PVR Identity integer PaymentServiceProvider(PA_PYM_SV_PVR)
CardIssuerCode The first six digits from the Credit/Debit card. It identifies the bank or other financial institution that issued the debit/credit card used in the transaction. ID_ISSR_TND_CRD Code6 char(6)
CardType A code denoting which kind of card is being accepted. TY_CRD Code6 char(6)
CardHolderName The name of the cardholder, as taken from the card. NM_CRD_HLD Name varchar(40)
CardExpirationDate The expiration date of the Credit or Debit card, as taken from the card in MMYY format. DC_EP_CRD Code4 char(4)
RetailVerticalCategoryCode (FK) Category code for retail vertical (e.g. GROCERY, HME_IMPRVMT, APPRAL, AUTOPARTS, etc.) CD_RTL_VRTL_CTGY Code varchar(20) RetailVerticalReference(LU_RTL_VRTL_RFC)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RetailVerticalReference classifies ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData
KeyCustomer spends ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData
PaymentServiceProvider enables ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData
Tender is used to measure ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData
ReportingPeriod defines time interval for ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData
BrandedTenderMedia identifies branded tender for ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData

Logical Views containing ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData

Logical View
Logical 07042 - Customer Wallet Share